Dunlop Village Hall


Dunlop & District Community Company

Company No: SC234796  Charity No: SC033326

About the company

Dunlop and District Community Company was established as a Company limited by guarantee and not having a share capital and incorporated on 31st July 2002.  It is registered in Scotland as Company Number SC234796 and as Charity Number SC033326.  Its objects, as set out in its Memorandum of Association are:

“To promote the benefit of the inhabitants of Dunlop and District without distinction of sex, sexuality, political, religious or other opinions by associating the local statuary authorities, voluntary organisations and inhabitants in a common effort to advance education and to provide facilities, or assist in the provision of facilities, in the interests of social welfare for recreation and other leisure-time occupation so that their condition of life may be improved and to promote, protect, conserve and enhance the environment of Dunlop and District for the benefit of the inhabitants thereof.”

The Company has a Board of up to nine Directors elected by members of the Company at the Company’s Annual General Meeting.  Three of the Directors must be nominated by User Groups which use the Hall facilities.  

The Board has established a number of Committees to carry out its remit.